Mission Statement:

Leading ordinary people into an extraordinary relationship with Jesus.


Mission Steps:

Loving God, loving our neighbors, and living life to the full.


Our Values:


Grace Filled Living

Having received a grace we did not deserve we offer the same to all. Our desire is to accept everyone where they are but love them too much to leave them there.

Glorifying God

Worshiping together on Sunday and individually daily, we offer the adoration of our hearts; not to appease God, but to show appreciation for him and the blessings he gives.


Walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, we offer the gifts he has given us for the purpose of strengthening the church and rescuing the world.


Intentionally connecting with Jesus through the study of scripture, prayer, praise and service we welcome the Spirit to transform us into the image of Jesus.


Believing we is better than me, we are committed to forming small tight-knit communities within this church body. Life Groups enrich our lives and enhance our efforts to be the hands and feet of Jesus.


Embracing the Lords promise that “it is better to give than receive,” each of us gladly contributes to the financial needs of the church and others.


Connecting people to Jesus is a joint effort of this church body. Each day we seek to offer practical and personal acts of kindness to others. Embracing every opportunity to hear a person’s story, we want to share how Jesus can grace that story!