The Bible is the history of God’s relationship with people, written by human beings working under God’s direction. As the ultimate truth for all people, Holy Scripture teaches us how to conduct our lives as God’s creation and as members of His family.
We can do nothing to deserve or earn God’s acceptance. Salvation is a gift of His love. We receive this gift through faith in the perfect life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Faith is active, more than mere intellectual assent. Faith involves confessing to others that Jesus is Lord and believing that God raised Him from the dead. Faith involves changing our heart and life to please God (repentance). Faith involves being immersed in water (baptism) to be united with Christ’s death and resurrection, remove our sins, give us the gift of the Holy Spirit and make us a part of God’s family..
We worship God to honor him. Each Sunday we gather to remember Christ’s death, resurrection, and expected return through the Lord’s Supper. Assemblies are also important times for church family members to encourage each other. Our daily walk with Him is also worship as we seek to live as Jesus did. We worship Him by caring for others and being the presence of Jesus in the world.
God came to earth in human form as Jesus Christ who is the one and only Son. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified for the sins of us all, was buried, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven. He is the only one who can restore our broken relationship with God the Father.
The Holy Spirit has the power to transform sinners into saints. He dwells in all who have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. He is also our daily helper and guide, teaching, comforting and empowering his followers with a variety of abilities. He promotes unity, Christ-like character, and love.
We are all created by God to live in an eternal relationship with Him. God also gives us free will – the freedom to choose to have a relationship with Him or not. Everyone breaks their relationship with God through sin and experiences destructive consequences in this life and beyond. God offers a wonderful alternative – salvation.
Another term for God’s family is the church, which is the community of everyone who has been saved by Christ. They can be recognized by their commitment to following Christ, love for God’s family, and service to their community and the world. God’s family shares the good news of Jesus with others. Kerrville Church of Christ is a local group of God’s family members.