“Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.” - Psalm 2:8

Our world is growing smaller every day as globalization profoundly affects the various cultures on our planet. As the Internet provides unprecedented access to information through smart phones, we are witnessing some of the most powerful societal transformations the world has ever known. These transformations are not only occurring in the arenas of technology and production, but also with religion. No single continent or region can indisputably claim to be the center of global Christianity! All of these massive changes bring unique challenges and unprecedented opportunities.

God is working in unbelievable ways all over the world as the gospel moves from everywhere to everywhere. America and American-supported missions are no longer the primary sources of mission activity. As people who care about the movement of the Gospel, we want to be on the forefront of what God is doing. We have been called to reach people across the globe to find and follow God. We seek partnerships with people who have the same global vision. Our vision for Kerr County is to build authentic biblical community.



We believed that ministries led by those who will live and die in their homeland will succeed far better than those by outsiders. Gospel ministry is far more effective when we trust people in their contexts to be the church!

We are convinced that planting churches is a powerful method of fulfilling the Great Commission. God has a mission and His mission has a church. We want to see God save His people and grow His church around the world. Our missionary partners are doing just that.


We realize that sickness and hunger deter people from hearing the Good News. We believe that the best missionary partners meet the physical and spiritual needs of people through their local church.

God designed his church as a living, breathing organism. Implicit in this metaphor is the idea that living things that don’t reproduce eventually die. We seek partners that excel in reproducing their ministry.


One of the key values we look for in a ministry partner is the ability to communicate with a western audience. We don’t expect people to become American, but we do want to have good conversations. These kinds of partnerships provide opportunities for people from the Kerrville Church of Christ to visit these ministries for mutual benefit.

While organizations that do not follow the Great Commission may do social good, we believe spreading the Good News is the essential purpose of the church. Our global partners live by the same mission and seek to advance the Kingdom of Heaven through the local church.


A self-sustaining ministry does not depend on us for its existence. We want to come alongside ministries that are already doing good work to help multiply their efforts.


Click on the images to go to partners website to learn more. 

David and Laurie Vanderpool
Thomazeau, Haiti
[email protected]

This is a Christian organization that chooses to Live Beyond… ourselves, our culture, our borders, and this life so that the poor may live the abundant life of Jesus Christ.


Mark & Melinda Dye and 
Lucas & Natalia Cavalcanti

São Luis, Brazil

[email protected]

The São Luís Mission Team, made up of the Dye Family and the Cavalcanti family, is working in São Luis in Maranhão, Brazil. We support these missionaries,  sent by Northside Church of Christ in San Antonio and in partnership with Great Cities Missions to spread the Good News to São Luis. 

Bazua Christian Academy

James M. Forkuor
Northern Ghana, West Africa

[email protected]

Bazua Christian Academy opened its doors in 2004.  Jerry and Fran Thornton started working in the Upper East side of Ghana West Africa in 2002 and soon realized many children were unable to attend school.  Under the oversight of the Kerrville Church of Christ, the school started with pre-K and added a grade each year and now the school  goes through middle school.  James Forkuor is the administrator/ missionary in residence.  

Putrela Children's Home

Our Missionaries, Pradesh, India


The Children’s Home is a non-profit organization established for the purpose of helping the orphans, abused, and less fortunate children in India. Our missonaries saw many children in the slum areas dying of sickness, hunger, and lack of nutrition and proper medication due to poverty. They were moved to assist these children and the Lord has brought their dream into reality.

Wednesday Evenings:

Meal @ 6:00 Class @ 6:30

Sunday Mornings:

Bible Class @ 9:00