- Gathering Family - Serving Community - Sending One Another

Current Sermon Series

Gather with Our Family!

It would be an honor for you to spend a couple hours of your weekend with us!

Join Us at 9:00am for Bible Class

Join us at 10:00am for Service!

Our Sunday morning worship assemblies are a place where imperfect Christ-followers come together to worship God in song, remember Jesus’s life, death, and resurrections as we take communion; hear messages based on God’s Truth; and we encourage one another to take the good news of Jesus to our community.

Want to learn more about KCC? Fill out this form to get connected with one of our ministers.

Ready to visit us for a Service? Plan your Visit here.

Our Members Gathering Family, Serving Community, and Sending One Another

KCC Kids

KCC Student Ministries


 We will NOT have Bible Classes  on Wednesday, March 12th, because of Spring Break for KISD and MISD



Teachers get a rest!

No activities at the building Wednesday, August 7.

Wednesday Evenings:

Meal @ 6:00 Class @ 6:30

Sunday Mornings:

Bible Class @ 9:00